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Oat is a natural appetite surpressant

Oats are one of the best foods for health and weight management Packed with macronutrients, soluble fiber, vitamins, and minerals, oats are a nutritional powerhouse. They help maintain a healthy weight, reduce body fat, and regulate appetite and energy levels.Key components like beta-glucan, iron, zinc, magnesium, and polyphenols make oats incredibly beneficial. Beta-glucans, in particular,

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A detailed image showcasing a heap of raw and unpeeled almonds, perfect for healthy snacking.

Food allergies : another health issue linked to Ultra-processed food

In the 90s it was mainly respiratory allergies which exploded, and since 10 it has been food allergies.Food allergy is a loss of immune tolerance towards harmless things: drinking milk, eggs, nuts. Today our food is ultra-processed: we no longer eat simple and raw foods, we eat foods full of additives, colorings, and preservatives.And our

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Escabeche sauce

Escabeche Sauce to Delight the Taste Buds This Spanish sauce, made with vinegar, olive oil, tomatoes, and capers, takes its name from Catalan, meaning “stew with vinegar.” Escabeche sauce can be enjoyed with tapas, with mussels, or with a gourmet and tasty aperitif. Simple and super quick to make, escabeche sauce can be seasonned with

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